Hello to family and friends alike. As many of you know, I have begun a new journey by taking a two year fellowship with FOCUS (Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools). For the next two years, I will be working with independent high school and middle school students, teaching them more about the Christian faith, while being mentored and trained myself. This will involve working with/in schools during the school year, and leading camps on Martha’s Vineyard during the summer. I can't tell you how much I didn't expect this change in my career path. I have been involved in FOCUS ever since I went to their summer camps in middle school, and the people and teachings there have had a huge impact on my life and faith, but never did I expect to work in full time ministry! This past spring, however, I couldn't shake my desire to encourage kids in their faith, and I knew FOCUS was the place for me.

I spent this past week at a retreat getting to know the other recent college grads who decided to join the Fellow's Program. There were eight of us staying in the funkiest old vineyard house you can imagine! The place was filled with quarks and mysteries, and ended up being the perfect setting for all the Fellows to bond. Through the whole week, I kept pinching myself, flabbergasted by how blessed I am to have found a position where I am so supported by the people around me. As I begin this journey serving students, I know that I have an incredible team of peers to support me as well.
Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers, they have been so essential as I have started on this new path. Coming out of the week, more than ever, I feel that FOCUS is exactly the place for me. I will be staying on the Vineyard for another week, but as a leader for FOCUS’ Middle School adventure week. Prayers for my energy and the ability to connect with the students would be much appreciated.
Thanks so much for all the love and support, and I’ll write again soon!